
Need to integrate Farris Brothers with BigCommerce?
- Are you struggling to integrate with your e-commerce store?
- Is it taking you hours to keep product listings updated?
- Is order tracking for your customers difficult?
Farris Brothers Integration Details
About Farris Brothers
Farris Brothers, Inc. was founded in 1949. The company's line of business includes the wholesale distribution of sporting and recreation goods.- URL: https://www.farrisbrothers.com/
- Headquarters: Hattiesburg, MS
- Category: Marine
Request a Demo
List Products Fast
- Automatically update your site with available stock
- List thousands of products in seconds
- Update the latest prices 💰 💰 💰
- Stay in MAP compliance
- Upload images and descriptions
- Include products from multiple suppliers
- Send orders directly to your distributor

Improve User Experience and Watch Sales
- Connect your product catalog with customer-facing apps
- Maximize product choice for customers
- Allow users to search large product databases with ease
- Build trust with customers & elevate your brand

Automate Tracking
- Automatically provide your distributors tracking updates to customers
- Save time dealing with customer tracking requests
- Improve customer experience

Spark Shipping integrates with these shopping carts
